International Cooperation Office

International Cooperation Office

The International Cooperation Office (ECI) is the division of the State University of Maringá dedicated to international affairs. ECI is organized in four departments, which deal specifically with International Mobility, International agreements, Internationalization at Home, and International Projects. 

The coordinator of ECI is Professor Renato Leão Rego (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

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International Cooperation Office

Escritório de Cooperação Internacional – ECI

Bloco 123

Av. Colombo, 5790 - Jardim Universitário

Maringá - PR - Brazil

International Agreements

ECI International Agreements department prepares, handles, and keeps the records of the inter-institutional agreements, be it MoU, Mobility Agreement or Cotutelle. This department also gives support to institutional strategic activities, providing the best possible procedures for the institutionalization of international relations. 

International Mobility

ECI International Mobility department regularly announces public calls and provides information on mobility programmes at partners; it also manages the academic papers related to the inbound and outbound mobility processes, particularly letters of acceptance. The International Mobility department also provides information on travel arrangements, accommodation, visa, and life and health insurance, assists with international demands, and maintains constant contact with the international partners.

The International Mobility department holds the event Mobility Day. This event is an opportunity to disseminate international and intercultural experiences and achievements, as well as opportunities for international mobility.

The International Mobility department also holds a program that integrates incoming mobile participants into the institution’s everyday life and helps international students to acclimatize to the city life.

The International Mobility department holds a program that integrates incoming mobile participants into the institution’s everyday life and helps international students to acclimatize to the city life. Due to this program a local student with previous international experience is selected and designated to act as tutor to his/her international colleague for the whole academic semester.

International Projects

The ECI International Projects department strategically contributes to the consolidation of the institutional internationalization by acting as a radar of international projects and publishing the handbook of opportunities; it also provides technical support to applicants. The International Projects department holds a short capacity-building course and mentorship to home students interested in applying for international grants and scholarships. These initiatives help students to develop global competences and improve their performance in the global scenario.

Internationalization at Home

ECI Internationalization at Home department promotes and supports the COIL activities and Mirror Classes carried out by UEM staff and international partners. The Internationalization at Home department also deals with the linguistic policy of the university. In partnership with other sectors of the institution, it offers the Portuguese as a Foreign Language course to incoming international students and external community. The course is free of charge. The department also provides international students and staff with the English version of academic records and documents issued by UEM. This service is also free of charge. The Internationalization at Home department publishes a monthly newsletter informing the academic community of international events and opportunities and keeps the ECI social media active. The department also organizes and promotes events related to Internationalization at Home. 

UEM has implemented the Laboratory of Internationalization (IntLab) between 2019 and 2021. This was a joint initiative with the American Council on Education (ACE), National Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and Fulbright Brazil. IntLab triggered the Institutional Internationalization Action Plan which has tackled the internationalization process in a comprehensive, inclusive, and intercultural way.

ECI initiatives abide by the principles of equal opportunity and accordingly does not discriminate because of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry or national origin, marital status, genetic information, political affiliation, gender identity or expression in any engagement or collaboration. All internationalization actions follow the Institutional Language Policy and the Institutional Development Plan.

UEM currently provides Libras interpreters for disabled students. A program for support students with special learning necessities (PROPAE) is also available. UEM holds a policy of affirmative actions to reduce social inequalities. It also holds a program to welcome refugees and migrant students. UEM guarantees equal treatment, services, and free access to all the campus facilities to both international and home students and staff. 

Master's or Doctorate degree in Cotutelle

The Master's or Doctorate degree in Cotutelle (double degree) is a mode that allows to graduate students regularly enrolled in a stricto sensu graduate course to write a dissertation, thesis, or final paper under the responsibility of two advisors: one from UEM and the other from a Foreign Institution, awarding him/her a Master's or Doctorate degree valid and recognized in both institutions.

For its execution, a specific cooperation agreement must be signed, to be approved according to the legal norms, based on the broad cooperation agreement signed between UEM and the Foreign Institution. The Cotutelle Agreement must follow the norms of the Brazilian National Education Council, of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), of the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) and the Regulation that establishes general norms for the stricto sensu graduate courses (Master's and PhD) at the State University of Maringá, in addition to the internal regulations of UEM's graduate programs.

Models and forms about cotutelle:

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