
Nine scientists from UEM are among the world's most influential researchers

Nine scientists from UEM are among the world's most influential researchers

Data published by Elsevier publishing company based on Scopus, the main global database of abstracts and scientific citations.

For the third consecutive year, researchers from State University of Maringá (Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM) feature in the list of world's most influential scientists, according to a research developed by Stanford University, in California, United States. Data are published annually by Elsevier publishing company based on Scopus, the main global database for abstracts and scientific citations.

The goal of the research is to evaluate the academic output's impact from different countries and continents, in 22 big areas and 176 specific knowledge fields. The classification considers the number of citations and published articles by researchers from their career beginnings to the year of 2021.

UEM shows up in the research with nine scientists, among them professor Maurício Guimarães Araújo, faculty member from the Graduate Program in Integrated Dentistry (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia Integrada - PGO) at UEM, who is in the lead position among state universities from Paraná, with the highest number of citations.

Maurício Guimarães Araújo: leader in the number of citations.

Araújo is author of a study associated with the preservation and bone regeneration on dental extraction and that today supports a range of surgical techniques proposed by him, which are a model in the whole world. All this scientific output has ensured that, at least for a decade, his name is on the list of most cited researchers in the field of Odontology. The highlight on the research of Stanford University was much celebrated by Araújo and his team, after all it contributes to his research to be known even in other areas.

Araújo even commented that, in this year of 2022, he should break his own record in number of citations, which may generate good results in the next ranking of Stanford University.

He also emphasizes that the data in the current ranking places UEM in a prominent place among the state universities of Paraná. "It's a reason to be proud to verify that the research we developed in the countryside has global repercussions", he says.

UEM has eight more scientists listed among the most influential in the world. They are: André Luis Gazetta (with studies in the areas of Chemical Engineering); Angelo Antonio Agostinho (Biology and Ecology of Freshwater Fish); Jesuí Vergílio Visentainer (Food Science); Marcelo Moreira Cavalcanti (Mathematics); Marcos Luciano Bruschi (Pharmacology); Rosângela Bergamasco (Environmental Sciences); Sidinei Magela Thomaz (Biology of Aquatic Macrophytes); Tania Ueda Nakamura (Biochemistry).

Mauro Ravagnani: "It’s the natural form for the public university to give back to the community the resources invested in it”

Human resources:"For the Associate Provost for Research and Graduate Affairs from UEM, Mauro Ravagnani, this ranking confirms the assertiveness of big investments in the formation of highly qualified human resources, made by state universities from Paraná and, especially, UEM. "These investments can be measured by the current number of graduate programs, research groups and accredited laboratories from UEM. And as a result, we have today a scientific production of international level, that constantly shows up in the most diverse scientific rankings. It's the natural form for the public university to give back to the community the resources invested in it, by means of cutting-edge technology and solutions for topical problems", says the Associate Provost.

Click here and see the list of most influential scientists in the last year.


Translated by:
Felipe Lisbôa

Proofread by:
Michelle Cerqueira César

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