English activities with Kristen Ritter
Starting 18/07
- Readers Club
Each week participants will receive a short story to read in English. When we meet, we will discuss the story, not only in terms of meaning and significance, but with an eye to craft and the techniques of writing fiction. The short stories will range broadly in genre across realism, science fiction, fantasy, comedy, and magical realism, among others, and prioritize marginalized writers and underrepresented perspectives. Perfect for students who want to learn to write fiction by studying the short story, as well as anyone who just wants to improve their English and loves to read!
- Conversation Club
A club for all levels of English speakers. Each week we will center our discussion around a new topic and explore the English language in a relaxed environment. Weekly topics may include health, hobbies, cultural differences, philosophy, favorite movies, or another suggested topic. Whether you are an advanced English speaker, or just beginning to learn the language and have many questions, everyone is welcome to join us!
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