Newsletter do ECI - Edição Especial - Ano 2, nº 5 - Global Education (versão em inglês)

Year 2, nº 5.
December, 2022
What is global education?

"(...) global learning, which we define as the process of diverse people collaboratively analyzing and addressing complex problems that transcend borders."


The global learning strategies (...) enable our highly diverse student body to engage with others to find connections among divergent perspectives. These connections are the bedrock upon which we learn to create innovative, equitable, sustainable solutions for our interconnected human and natural communities." 


(Adapted from Landorf & Doscher, 2015)

Source: LANDORF, H.; DOSCHER, S. P. Defining Global Learning at Florida International University. Diversity & Democracy, v. 18, n. 3, 2015. 

Why promote global education in the curriculum?

            To …

  • Understand global issues,  articulating them with local ones;

  • Search for local solutions, understanding the global context; 

  • Promote an active and critical attitude in relation to student's and other's reality;

  • Develop knowledge, attitudes and engagement face the diversity and social interest guidelines.

How to promote global education?
  • Integrating multiple perspectives and experiences in the construction of new world views;

  • Studying cases from different contexts to think in conjoined solutions;

  • Including non-hegemonic tools, from peripheral and/or marginalized countries, peoples or communities;

  • Encouraging a participatory teaching, not only teacher-centered, but from different pedagogical approaches (for instance: Project-based learning);

  • Creating interdisciplinary opportunities;

  • Promoting experiences of virtual exchange and/or mobility.

Resources and useful links about global education:
Account of an experience about global education on the course of Modern Languages at UEM: "Global Learning for Global Citizenship": Students’ Experiences Campus as Text.
In the period from August to November, 2022, the Fulbright/Capes English Language assistant, Taylor Spratt, developed activities approaching the global education theme with students from the courses of Languages-English and Languages-Portuguese/English at UEM. The activities were developed during the English Language classes.

To the students, classes were an opportunity to integrate multiple perspectives with participative activities in the classroom, for instance, analyzing different world maps and dialoguing with what they communicate, by means of some inquiries: Which perspectives are represented? Which are invisible? Why?


They also discussed collaboratively the definitions of borders, boundaries, barriers, and bridges, redefining some of these concepts and giving examples of their experiences to ponder on power and sociopolitical contexts.

To practice the global engagement ability connected to local action, students made an activity of "Campus as Text", in which they wandered around the campus reading this daily environment, as from the perspective of an international student.
Some of the thoughts about global citizenship brought by the students were:
Finally, students pondered on the importance of going out of their comfort zone, looking at the campus in a different way and considering these experiences as transformative learning.

Taylor Spratt's account, English Language teaching assistant from Fulbright/Capes Program.
Special Edition Newsletter, with theme from Internationalization at Home Department. Designed by: Beatriz Machado Lima; Luciana Cabrini Simões Calvo; Michelle Cerqueira César Tambosi; Milena de Paula Oliveira Alonso; Taylor Spratt.
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