


Culture is one of the ways to bring the State University of Maringá (Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM) closer to the community, through projects, events, services, exhibitions, cultural performances, in addition to offering courses in fine arts, performing arts, music and dance. The University Theater of Maringá (Teatro Universitário de Maringá - TUM), established in 1987, has since held several plays and has offered permanent workshops, as well as school projects for teacher training.

The UEM Choir was created in 1973, and it is managed in partnership with the Department of Music and Performing Arts (Departamento de Música e Artes Cênicas - DMC). Its activities are directed to many different groups: Children’s Choir, School Choir, Choral Workshop, Women’s Choir and Elderly People Choir. The Chamber Orchestra, also known as UEM Orchestra, has as its goal to offer a performance venue for musicians who want to devote themselves to chamber music and to the symphonic repertoire. The orchestra’s activities are supported by a solid educational process that aims at developing quality music and preparing participants for the labor market.

UEM also houses the Abaecatu Group, which promotes artistic activities focused on citizenship; the project “Médicos da Graça” (clown doctors) takes action to help and reduce suffering among hospitalized children; the Guitar Orchestra and the Visual Arts Research Groups.

Translated by:
Gustavo Tudisco Favaretto

Proofread by:
Aline Yuri Kiminami

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