Distance-Learning Courses

Distance-Learning Courses

Distance-Learning Courses

The aim of the system entitled Brazilian Open University (Universidade Aberta do Brasil – UAB) is to expand higher education offering undergraduate and graduate courses through distance learning programs. The support units are created according to the demand for regional qualification with the support of the municipal area, which provides physical infrastructure. Then, public higher education institutions offer courses with the necessary pedagogical requirements through the Distance Learning Units (Núcleo de Educação a Distância – Nead).

The State University of Maringá’s Nead, which is located in the main campus in Maringá, has 30 units in the State of Paraná.

Distance Learning Units: Assaí, Astorga, Bela Vista do Paraíso, Céu Azul, Cianorte, Cidade Gaúcha, Cruzeiro do Oeste, Diamante do Norte, Engenheiro Beltrão, Faxinal, Flor da Serra do Sul, Foz do Iguaçu, Goioerê, Ibaiti, Itambé, Ivaiporã, Jacarezinho, Jaguapitã, Londrina, Nova Londrina, Nova Santa Rosa, Nova Tebas, Palmital, Paranavai, São João do Ivaí, Sarandi, Siqueira Campos, Tamarana, Ubiratã, and Umuarama.

Translated by:
Laura Zanetti

Proofread by:
Milena Alonso

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