
UEM is accredited to apply Portuguese exams for foreigners

UEM is accredited to apply Portuguese exams for foreigners

The Inep decree authorizes the institution to apply for Celpe-Bras exams starting from 2024, at the Languages Institute

The State University of Maringá (UEM) has been accredited as an exam center for the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese as a Foreign Language (Celpe-Bras). The accreditation was made official by Ordinance No. 533 of the Anísio Teixeira National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (Inep), dated last Tuesday (28).

As a result, from 2024 on, the University will apply at its headquarter campus, the test that certifies the proficiency of the Portuguese language for refugees, students and other foreigners living in Brazil. The certification is necessary for migrants to be able to enter higher education, work in the skilled labor market and apply for naturalization in the country, among other things.

According to the coordinator of the International Cooperation Office (ECI), Renato Leão Rego, UEM had applied for accreditation in 2022. "This demand came to us through the City Hall. In Paraná, the exam has been administered in Londrina and Curitiba, with a maximum number of registrants and the aggravating factor of candidates' travel costs. We also justify the need because of the number of international students, refugees and migrants who live in Maringá," he explained.

At the beginning of the month, a team of UEM staff received training from INEP to administer the exam. The group was formed by members of the ECI, professors from the Language Institute (ILG) and professors and doctoral students from UEM's Department of Modern Languages (DLM), under the coordination of Professor Neiva Maria Jung.

The Celpe-Bras exams are held twice a year, in April and October, on dates set by Inep. The exam includes a written and oral test, both of which will be held at ILG/UEM.

According to the ECI, the application of the exam at the University also encourages the arrival of international students, through the Undergraduate Student Agreement Program (PEC-G) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "This is another ECI action for the internationalization of UEM," added the coordinator.

Preparation course
Now as an application center for Celpe-Bras, UEM already offers preparatory courses for the exam. The Portuguese classes for foreigners are free and held remotely or in person, through the Student Integration Program (Prointe).

There are exclusive classes for Nigerian and Paraguayan students and soon a class for Chinese students will be opened. Other classes are also made up of Haitian, Syrian, Afghan and Venezuelan students.

If they pass the proficiency test, the students can start degree courses at the university. "For 2024, we already know that we will have 10 international Portuguese-speaking students. Once they have passed the Celpe-Bras, three will start their degree at UEM and seven will go to other Brazilian Higher Education Institutions (IES)," said Renato Leão Rego. There are still no plans to open registrations for new classes of the course.


Translated by: Lowhaynne H. T. Estevam
Proofread by: Felipe Lisbôa

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