Graduate Programs

Business Administration Graduate Program

Applied Social Sciences
Master’s Program and Doctoral Program
The Business Administration Graduate Program (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração - PPA) features three courses, which are, the Master’s Program (2 years), the Doctoral Program (4 years), and the Post-doctoral Program (1 year). The two research lines of this Program are: Organizational Studies and Societies & Marketing and Supply Chains. The professors from the first research line study organizations, institutional theory, public policies, internationalization, economic sociology, territory, anthropology, symbolism, strategic management, among others. The researchers belonging to the second research line study marketing, culture and consumption, market practices, sales, retail, supply chains, agribusiness systems, new institutional economy, transaction costs, etc. The Program has scholarships provided by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES), Fundação Araucária and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq). It also has score 4 in CAPES’ evaluation.

The PPA-UEM was created in 2000 and since then, more than 300 students have obtained their Master’s or Doctoral degree. In terms of research, the students specialize in the areas of management, organizations, strategy, internationalization, organizational learning, institutional theory, symbolism, economic sociology, supply chains, agribusiness, marketing, marketing practices, culture and consumption, public policies, among others.

The program features four international agreements, which are partnerships with the following universities: Université Quebec Trois Rivières (Canada), Università Perugia (Italy), Kansas State University (USA)and Ecole De Purpan (France). The graduate students also have access to classrooms, laboratories, auditorium and to scientific databases.

Students of the Doctoral Program have the chance of taking an international internship, with an estimated duration of one year. Through PPA-UEM, students have already been to Canada, England, France and the United States, for example.
Gustavo Tudisco Favaretto and Aline Kiminami
Rebecka Villareal and Aline Uchida

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