Graduate Programs

Accounting Sciences Graduate Program

Applied Social Sciences
Master’s Program
The Accounting Sciences Graduate Program (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis - PCO) started in 2014, with a grade 3 in the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES) evaluation.

The program is allocated in the “Controllership” field, which consists of two research areas: Management Accounting and Accounting for External Users. The area of Controllership includes a range of theoretical and empirical studies applied to control procedures and organizational management. These procedures feature the accountancy and the strategic and operational practices of financial nature, as well as economic, patrimonial, social and environmental nature, but also consider the human element - the user of the accounting information (managers, decision makers, investors, market analysts and others).

Our purpose is to enhance the development of skills and competences through the researches and projects related to the research lines of the Program. This goal’s implications result in academic and scientific production that is relevant to the Accounting Sciences and its related areas, and also to the users of accountancy.

18 slots are offered annually to regular graduate students and, every six months, students that are not a part of the program can apply for an elective subject. Both of these opportunities are given through a selection process.

Access our website for more information.
Gustavo Favaretto and Aline Kiminami
Rebecka Villareal and Aline Uchida

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